entertainment television creature feature San Guinary horror television show comedy horror creature feature tv
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Create a short horror or sci-fi movie at home with your friends or family. Your film must be under three minutes, and ideally have a beginning, a middle and an end! Or it could be free-form gore if you are simply more of a SPFX guy. Either way- have consent from those in your shoot, and be safe with whatever you do! Don’t use real guns, knives, or do anything that would cause bodily harm!
Anything goes, but remember that nudity and naughty words will get censored! Over the top blood and gore is just fine. It's all those bad words and nekkid people that hurt everyone’s feelings. DO NOT use copywritten music in your film. There are plenty of websites that have free horror and film incidental music if you simply credit the author. Make sure to read "THE FINE PRINT" at the bottom of the page before submitting your film!
Doc and his staff will judge the movies based on entertainment value, production quality, and general content. The following prizes will be awarded:
Best In Show - Dr. San Guinary plush doll ($100 value), cheap plastic trophy ($12 value), signed copy of “The Dr. San Guinary Scrapbook”($45 value). Autographed Bloody Nurse Footyprint (Priceless).
Eeeeeek! Worst In Show -Cheap plastic trophy ($12 value), Autographed Bloody Nurse Footyprint (Priceless). Dr. San Guinary autographed photo (One dollar and thirty-five cent value). 1/2 roll of cheap toilet paper. (Market Value)
Each entry will also be featured on a special page on our website, available for the whole world to see! Your film may also appear on a broadcast episode of Dr. San Guinary's Creature Feature, and be preserved in our archive forever!
Follow this link HERE to the Registration Page. Read all information, then fill out the Rules and Release Form. Once you have completed the form you will receive information on how to submit your film online.
Submissions WILL NOT be accepted without completion of the Rules and Release Form. We accept most common video format files. We prefer submissions that are rendered in high resolution (1920x1080), but ask that they be rendered in at least DVD-quality resolution (720x480).
1. All entries must be received by Saturday December 19th, 2020 to be considered eligible. No exceptions will be made. All entries must be 3 minutes in length or less.
2. Any entries not accompanied by the required digitally acknowledged Rules and Release Form will be considered ineligible for prizes.
3. Entrants under age 18 must have their Rules and Release Form digitally acknowledged by their legal parent/guardian.
4. There will be no monetary compensation to the entrant at any time for any work or works submitted to the Dr. San Guinary Film Festival.
5. Dr. San Guinary's Creature Feature reserves the right to disqualify any entry.
6. Entering the Dr. San Guinary Film Festival implies consent to have the entry edited/censored as necessary to conform to broadcast television standards.
7. Any entry that contains copywritten music or video elements will be considered ineligible and will be rejected.
8. Entering the Dr. San Guinary Film Festival implicitly grants Dr. San Guinary's Creature Feature, CreatureFeatureTV.com, Aspen Video Productions, and their related personnel permission to use the film entry and/or still images taken from the film entry for exhibition on the website, social media, broadcast television episodes of Dr. San Guinary's Creature Feature, promotional material, and archive presentations on the website in perpetuity; providing said use is in a non-commercial capacity. Entrants retain all legal rights to their own individual work, while Dr. San Guinary's Creature Feature, CreatureFeatureTV.com, and Aspen Video Productions retain all legal rights to the production as a whole.
9. All decisions made by Dr. San Guinary's Creature Feature are final and binding. Entrants agree that they have no recourse in the event of a dispute, and release Dr. San Guinary's Creature Feature, CreatureFeatureTV.com, Aspen Video Productions, and their related personnel from any and all liability arising from entry into the Dr. San Guinary Film Festival.